Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Conway's Game of Life in the Cloud

Conway's Game of Life is a cellular automaton consisting of a 2-dimensional grid of cells each of which is either dead or alive. Each cell undergoes state transitions according to its own state and the states of its eight neighboring cells. When a cell is alive, it remains alive if two or three of its neighboring cells are also alive, otherwise it dies. When a cell is dead, it changes to alive if three of its neighboring cells are alive, otherwise it remains dead. Though an individual cell is quite simple, the aggregate behavior of many cells can be quite complex. For example, the lightweight spaceship is an example of a configuration of cells that essentially moves across the grid.

Although the Game of Life is a synchronous model it can be simulated using an asynchronous model (see, for example, Nehaniv '02 for details). The basic idea is to keep the cells nearly-synchronized at a local level by recording a local time at each cell. The system must ensure that the local times of neighboring cells differ by at most one unit of time. Each cell also records its previous state so that neighboring cells that lag behind a cell can catch-up. This removes the need for a global clock. It also removes the need for any global state  each cell can record its own state and its (most recent) view of the state of its neighboring cells.

The embedded video shows a lightweight spaceship moving across a 14x7 toroidal grid. The black, white and gray cells are alive, dead and recently-dead respectively. The interesting part is how this visualization was generated. The asynchronous transitions were performed using Storm, a distributed and fault-tolerant real-time computation system, running on Amazon Web Services. The definitions for the spout, the component that generates the lightweight spaceship in the first place, and the bolts, the components that perform the transitions and propagate the changes to the neighboring cells, were written using RedStorm. RedStorm integrates JRuby with Storm and provides a DSL for defining spouts and bolts. A subset of the changes were further propagated to Pusher using a Ruby client. A HTML5 application subscribed to these updates using Pusher's JavaScript client. It rendered the grid using a HTML5 Canvas and Backbone.js and updated the cells as necessary.

The code for the Storm topology is available on GitHub.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The TidySongs Hustle

The hustle:
  1. Company A sells software product for once-off fee. The product requires access to Company A's servers in order to operate.
  2. Company B acquires Company A.
  3. Company B discontinues Company A's product and shuts down their servers thereby rendering the product useless to all existing customers.
  4. Company B releases a "new" product whose functionality and interface are suspiciously similar to that of the discontinued product.
The hustlers:

In November 2010 I bought TidySongs from CloudBrain for EUR35.68. TidySongs automatically organizes your iTunes library by removing duplicates, fixing spellings, filling in blank fields and adding missing album art. It had received mostly favorable reviews. Now, when I open TidySongs I get an error stating that it cannot connect to TidySongs' server.

Their website states that TidySongs has been discontinued. They link to a product called Rinse from RealNetworks that sells for $39. It too organizes your iTunes library by removing duplicates, fixing spellings, filling in blank fields and adding missing album art. They could at least have changed the interface a little.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Renaming Tabs in jQuery UI

jQuery UI has a very nice tab system. However, as of version 1.8.10, there isn't an easy method of dynamically renaming tabs. The main difficulty is that the tab names are stored in an unnumbered list that is parallel to the contents of the tabs. There are a number of hacks and extensions on the web but no one-liners. So here is mine: