First up, Subclipse. I added the update site and installed it without a hitch. Eclipse required a restart; an annoyance I was hoping Ganymede would have fixed.
On to M2Eclipse. I added the update site, tried an install and got the following cryptic error messages:
Unsatisfied dependency: [] requiredCapability:
Unsatisfied dependency: [org.eclipse.jst.common.frameworks 1.1.102.v200709122200]
requiredCapability: osgi.bundle/org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi/[2.2.0,2.4.0)
... snip (many more lines of similar error messages) ...
After some Googling, I found out that M2Eclipse requires that the AspectJ Development Tools (AJDT) and the Web Tools Platform (WTP) are installed first. I added the AJDT update site and installed it with one peculiarity. Prior to the install, Eclipse complained that the website was unavailable. This website belongs to a Eugene Kuleshov, a developer who is interested in, amongst other things, AspectJ. Perhaps he is an AJDT developer. Anyhow, the warning did not prevent the install from completing successfully. I added the WTP update site and it (eventually) installed. I returned to M2Eclipse and it installed correctly.
Finally, the PDT. I added the update site, tried an install, and got another error message:
Cannot find a solution satisfying the following requirements Match[requiredCapability:
I have had problems with this plug-in before when using Europa. I followed the instructions on the PDT website, but to no avail. Three out of four plug-ins will have to suffice for now :-( Maybe Eclipse v3.5 will have an smoother plug-in system.